Bruno Detlev Arnold

Electrician by trade, loving husband to Karla

A gregarious individual, found himself entwined in the complexities of war and ideology. Married to Karla, he steadfastly opposed the Nazi party from the outset, grappling with the delicate equilibrium between personal moral principles and the imperative of self-preservation. Faced with the tumultuous reality of war, Bruno harnessed his remarkable ability to fix anything as a survival mechanism.

Forced to participate in a conflict and support an ideology diametrically opposed to his own beliefs, Bruno's internal struggle reached new heights when his son was murdered by the Nazi regime. He was captured by the Russians and put into a Siberian prison camp. The arduous journey back to Germany, spanning nearly two years, exposed him to the devastating aftermath of war with his city reduced to ruins, over 80% of it destroyed by bombings.

Through Bruno's challenging odyssey, his unwavering opposition to the Nazi party, and his resilience in the face of adversity, his character emerges as a poignant testament to the human spirit navigating the complexities of wartime conflict and the enduring pursuit of personal integrity.

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