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Recipe Section Order # Ingredient Substitutions Actions
Blender 1.00 1 cup cottage cheese
Blender 2.00 3 tbsp lemon juice
Blender 3.00 2 eggs
Blender 4.00 2 tsp vanilla or almond extract
Blender 5.00 1 cup apple sauce (I use low sugar) There were times Karla could only find apples or figs.
Blender 6.00 2 bananas
Blender 7.00 1 cup fig (optional) Cook down fresh figs with some water and blend to apple sauce consistency using immersion blender.
Blender 8.00 5 tbsp butter or coconut oil
Batter 9.00 1 1/2 to 2 cups flour I use King Arthur gluten free
Batter 10.00 1 tsp baking soda
Batter 11.00 1 tsp baking powder
Batter 12.00 1 tsp salt
Batter 13.00 1 1/2 cup of blueberries If Karla didn’t have enough blueberries, she would put them in the pot with the figs for a little more sweet.
Batter 14.00 Chopped almonds or walnuts (optional)