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Substitution Description Ingredient
I also use zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and other veggies either on their own i.e. zucchini latkes or mixed with the potatoes.
Matzo meal can be used instead
I use whatever is in the house
Bread flour can be used for more rise in the pan
Can be left out for a more savory taste
Odense is a great and recommended brand here
Save the egg white for later
Large granulated decorating sugar can also be used
Make a rue from oil and flour, then and water from the potatoes to desired thickness
Instant potatoes: prepare instant potatoes to make 1 cup using all water (no milk). Use 1 1/2 cups hot water for potato water in recipe.
12 tbsp butter (1 1/2 sticks)
Joanne would NEVER have cooked with garlic, this is my addition!
Can put another can of whole tomatoes with juice into food processor and chop to medium pieces
mix 1 pound ground beef or turkey and ½ pound sausage
See recipe to make your own <a href="/Recipes/RecipeCard?id=d214c52e-ff3c-49a3-8560-8ec33a1ffd59" target="_blank" >Worcestershire sauce</a>
Make your own with this <a href="/Recipes/RecipeCard?id=d214c52e-ff3c-49a3-8560-8ec33a1ffd59" target="_blank" >Worcestershire sauce</a>
Use mustard with horseradish or <a href="" target="_blank"> Lowensenf</a>
Use wedges so people can easily remove the onion after cooking if they don’t like it
Add 1-2 c beef broth depending on volume of meat drippings
Plain biscuits or cookies (crushed) were used in 1920s
Quark was used in the 1920s
1/4 cup Sour cream
In the 1920s they would have made sour cream with cream and a little bit of vinegar
Cream cheese didn’t exist in 1919 so they would have used a different soft cheese like Lancashire or Quark
Meat was hard to come by during the war so this recipe was often made as a vegetarian dish
Dripping, lard, or vegetable oil
Dripping, lard, or vegetable oil
vegetable broth
leftover if possible
dripping, lard, or vegetable oil
Water can be used when milk is not available
Can also use ground beef for a non-vegetarian option
Bacon fat (commonly used during rationing)
Water if broth is not available
Dried basil if fresh is not available
There were times Karla could only find apples or figs.
Cook down fresh figs with some water and blend to apple sauce consistency using immersion blender.
I use King Arthur gluten free
If Karla didn’t have enough blueberries, she would put them in the pot with the figs for a little more sweet.