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October 2024

Finding Resilience in Divisive Times: Lessons from History for Today’s World Monica Granlove

Read my latest article discussing our world overwhelmed by political division, stories of resilience remind us of the unbreakable bonds of love and community. From wartime weddings to a father’s journey through a hurricane, these moments reveal the power of unity amidst life’s greatest challenges.

Last updated 2 months ago

Finding Resilience in Divisive Times: Lessons from History for Today’s World

By Monica Granlove


If you're like me, you may have been spending time listening to or reading about the 2024 presidential candidates. In fact, maybe you are being inundated with signs, commercials, debates, and much more. "Over half of Americans report struggling with such tense divisions in their own families"1. Another well done study for reference4. The news cycle feels relentless, especially with issues that have sparked intense division in our country. But today, let's take a step back from that.

In my book The Electrician and The Seamstress, I tell the story of Bruno and Karla, a couple who, despite the harshness of war and oppression, find joy and solidarity with their community. On the day of their wedding, their friends and family gather in the streets of Kiel, singing and celebrating. For that moment, they’re united not by politics or fear, but by love and the enduring bonds of friendship. Against all odds, this simple act of joy becomes a small yet powerful resistance, reminding everyone that life and happiness will not be overshadowed by the turmoil around them.

This same spirit of resilience appears time and again, and two recent events come to mind that highlight how people create unity even in difficult times.

Another story that captures the power of resilience comes from a father’s determination to be by his daughter’s side on her wedding day2. Despite the torrential rains and destructive winds of Hurricane Helene, John was determined not to miss his daughter’s wedding in Tennessee. He braved fallen trees, flooded roads, and nearly 20 miles on foot to reach her, demonstrating that love and family bonds are stronger than any storm. Just as Bruno and Karla’s loved ones sang and walked through the streets of Kiel to celebrate their union, John’s commitment to walking through a hurricane for his daughter is a reminder of the extraordinary strength of ordinary people, especially during life’s most challenging moments.

Similarly, in Ukraine, just last year, a bride and groom exchanged vows amidst air raids in Kyiv3. Friends and family walked through the streets alongside them, celebrating as they made their way to the ceremony. It was a powerful reminder that, even when life seems to be unraveling, people find ways to create beauty and connection. Friends and family traveled miles, facing difficult circumstances, just to stand in support and love. Their resilience shone through their joyful singing, echoing through streets shadowed by challenges but warmed by unity.

These stories remind us that, even in moments of extreme division or struggle, there is something unbreakable in the human spirit. We see this resilient spirit not only in the past, with Bruno and Karla, but also here and now. Our communities, like those in Tennessee and Ukraine, show us how powerful simple acts of unity and kindness can be.

So, as you navigate today’s endless headlines, remember: life is about holding on to those moments of joy and unity. In times of upheaval, let’s remember to seek out those small moments of resistance, resilience, and connection.


1Time:How Americans Can Tackle Political Division Together 

2Today:This determined dad traveled 27 miles in a hurricane to walk his daughter down the aisle 

3Al Jazeera via YouTube:Love in the time of war: Couples get married amid air raid sirens in Kyiv 

4PRRI:Competing Visions of America: An Evolving Identity or a Culture Under Attack? Findings from the 2021 American Values Survey